Green miso porridge with eggs

We know breakfast oats as creamy-topped-with-berries porridge kind.

This recipe came along when I was feeling fatigued on omelettes, yogurt and granola. This savoury porridge packs in leafy greens and seasoned with an uncommon oat-y flavour pairing. Miso.  

You could triple your ingredients to batch and pack for work meals. When food supplies are low, this recipe makes for a quick lunch or dinner, add leftover meats (pulled pork + chilli flakes would be ideal!). 

serves two-three. 10 mins prep + cook time

You will need: fry pan, chopping board, knife, grater (zucchini), wooden spoon, spatula.

green miso porridge with eggs and walnuts


1 cup of rolled oats or steal cut oats

1.5 tbsp of butter

1.5 cup of water

3/4 cup of roughly chopped green cabbage, baby spinach or 1 zucchini (grated)

1 teaspoon of miso paste

2 eggs

2 sprigs of coriander, leaves + stems roughly chopped

Walnuts, lightly toasted

Pinch of dried wakame (or other sea vegetables) to season 

freshly cracked pepper to taste

green miso porridge


1. Melt 2/3 of butter in a medium fry pan, add oats and stir until golden and fragrant. 

2. Stir in water followed by miso paste and greens. Porridge is ready when oats are soft and creamy.

3. In a separate pan, lightly fry eggs in remaining butter. Lid on to achieve sunny side up. 

4. Serve porridge in bowls and top with eggs, coriander, walnuts, wakame and freshly cracked pepper.